Products & Services


Nopal cactus juice, Tamarind juice, Pro-biotic yoghurts, mala, cactus fruits, cactus fodder, spineless cactus


 Agro-processing management and consulting services

We provide agro-processing management and advisory services to investors in the agribusiness sector in East Africa. Our operations fall under the following divisions; –

  • Doxad management
  • Doxad consulting
  • Doxad corporate solutions

  Doxad Management

We are contracted to management farming/ agricultural business on behalf of a wide range of agribusiness investors and our management portfolio located throughout East Africa. Under contract to our clients, we develop and manage agricultural/farming assets, which include the farmland and the farming operation conducted on it. Our management services cover livestock, broad acre cropping, aquaculture, sericulture and horticulture. Agro-processing, entrepreneurship &business management consultancy. Besides, we are experts in cactus agronomy (land preparation, planting, propagations, pruning, and orchard management), value addition (processing) and marketing.

DEMCC Consulting

We have a dedicated consultancy and research division where we provide consultancy services to a wide range of clients in the agribusiness sector. Consulting work includes due diligence, feasibility studies, business planning, commercial reviews, sector analysis, value addition, new food products development and marketing, branding, and strategic planning. The DEMC provides support to the management and corporate solutions divisions as required

DEMCC Corporate Solution

We offer investors a holistic service including concept advice, Proof of Concept (POC), strategic planning, structuring, and implementation planning, planning performance reviews, and portfolio management. The corporate solution aims at creating a cost-effective and sustainable model via incorporation of the agricultural experience, finance, and investment expertise. This ensures that we provide sustainable solution to agricultural investor



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